As of now, this feature is only available on Android, not on iOS/iPhone. WhatsApp also has a built-in feature in its app settings from where you can change your language. Change WhatsApp language from the app settings In this way, you can use WhatsApp in your regional language. Press OK to confirm and apply the changes. After that, select the Language option and then choose the language of your choice. Just go to Settings and click on Personalization. KaiOS users can also change their WhatsApp language by changing the system language altogether. After this, your iPhone will restart to apply the changes and upon reboot, you will see WhatsApp working in your selected language. Simply, click on Change to *Language Name* option.

There are many regional languages in India including Hindi, Bengali, Punjabi, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu, Gujarati, and more.

India is a big market for WhatsApp where a large number of people use this instant messaging app owned by Meta (formerly Facebook) on daily basis. Did you know that WhatsApp is available in more than 60 different languages and 180 countries across the world?

Whenever we think of doing a chat or messaging someone, the first thing that comes to our mind is WhatsApp. WhatsApp is currently the most popular instant messaging app in the world.